Lirik lagu: We Can Stop the Hurtin' oleh Chicago :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

"We Can Stop the Hurtin'" karya Chicago menggemakan sebuah seruan yang mendesak untuk bertindak di tengah kesengsaraan yang melanda masyarakat. Lirik yang kuat menyoroti kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh mereka yang berjuang, termasuk kemiskinan, tunawisma, dan kejahatan. Lagu ini mengundang pendengar untuk merefleksikan ketidakadilan yang tersebar luas dan mendorong mereka untuk terlibat secara aktif dalam mencari solusi yang bermakna. Dengan menganjurkan persatuan dan pertanggungjawaban kolektif, "We Can Stop the Hurtin'" mengadvokasi dunia di mana penderitaan dapat dikurangi dan komunitas dapat berkembang.

We Can Stop the Hurtin' Lyrics


What has happened to our town
There's people sleeping on the ground
Cold and lost, they fear the night
Left alone, they'll lose the fight
Hadn't we better reach for more than just a dime
Shouldn't we try to talk that boy out of his crime
Haven't you had it knowing nothings getting solved
Maybe we'd better, better get involved

We could stop the hurtin' for awhile
We could stop the hurtin' for awhile
If we found a way to reconcile
We could stop the hurtin'
Families livin' in their cars and kids run numbers out of bars
Knowing pride won't pay the bills
Men work jobs beneath their skills
Hadn't we better hand out more than just a line
Shouldn't we try to find solutions with our minds
Haven't you had it knowing nothing's getting solved
Maybe we'd better, better get involved


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