Lirik lagu: Yes We Can Can oleh Harry Connick Jr. :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

"Yes We Can Can", sebuah lagu yang kuat dan penuh harapan yang dibawakan oleh Harry Connick Jr., menggemakan pesan persatuan dan aspirasi untuk dunia yang lebih baik. Liriknya yang menggugah memancarkan keyakinan bahwa setiap orang memiliki kemampuan untuk berbuat lebih banyak dan untuk menciptakan perbedaan di dunia ini. Lagu ini menanamkan nilai-nilai penting seperti kerja sama, kasih sayang, dan harapan, mendorong kita untuk percaya pada kekuatan kolektif kita untuk membawa perubahan positif. "Yes We Can Can" menjadi sebuah seruan harapan dan inspirasi, mengingatkan kita bahwa bahkan dalam menghadapi tantangan, kita dapat mengatasi rintangan dan mencapai tujuan bersama.

Yes We Can Can Lyrics

Harry Connick Jr.

Now is the time

Now is the time for all good men
To get together with one another
Iron out our problems
And iron out our quarrels
And try to live as brothers
And try to find a piece within
Without stepping on one another
And do respect the women of the world
Just remember you all have mothers
Make this land a better land
Than the world in which we live
And help each man be a better man
With the kindness that you give

I know we can make it
I know darn well we can work it out
Oh yes we can, I know we can can
Yes we can can, why can't we
If we wanna get yes we can can
I know we can make it a world
I know we can make it if we try
Oh yes we can, I know we can can
Yes we can can, great, got your money
Yes we can, I know we can can

Take care of the children
The children of the world
They're our strongest hope for the future
The little bitty boys and girls
Make this land a better land
Than the world in which we live
And help each man be a better man
With the kindness that you give

I know we can make it (I know that we can)
I know darn well we can work it out
Oh yes we can, I know we can can
Yes we can can, why can't we
If we wanna get yes we can can
I know we can make it a world
I know we can make it if we try
Oh yes we can, I know we can can
Yes we can can, great, got your money
Yes we can, I know we can can

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