Lirik lagu: You Only Cross My Mind in Winter oleh Sting :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

"You Only Cross My Mind in Winter" adalah salah satu lagu paling menyayat hati yang pernah ditulis oleh Sting. Lagu ini bercerita tentang seorang pria yang dihantui oleh kenangan tentang cinta yang telah hilang selama musim dingin yang suram dan menusuk. Saat salju turun dan hari-hari semakin pendek, ingatannya tentang kebahagiaan dan romansa masa lalu yang telah lama hilang kembali muncul, membuatnya terombang-ambing dalam kesedihan dan penyesalan. Lirik lagu ini yang mendalam dan puitis menangkap emosi kompleks dari kehilangan dan kerinduan, mengubahnya menjadi sebuah karya seni yang abadi.

You Only Cross My Mind in Winter Lyrics


Always this winter child,
December's sun sits low against the sky
Cold light on frozen fields,
The cattle in their stable lowing.

When two walked this winter road,
Ten thousand miles seemed nothing to us then,
Now one walks with heavy tread
The space between their footsteps slowing

All day the snow did fall,
What's left of the day is close drawn in,
I speak your name as if you'd answer me,
But the silence of the snow is deafening

How well do I recall our arguments,
Our logic owed no debts or recompense,
Philosophy and faith were ghosts
That we would chase until
The gates of heaven were broken

But something makes me turn, I don't know,
To see another's footsteps there in the snow,
I smile to myself and then I wonder why it is
You only cross my mind in winter

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