Lirik lagu: Anything But Me oleh Lindsay Lohan :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

"Anything But Me", sebuah lagu yang dibawakan oleh Lindsay Lohan, mengeksplorasi pergolakan identitas dan perjuangan seorang individu untuk tetap setia pada dirinya sendiri. Di tengah kebingungan yang diciptakan oleh pengaruh luar, sang penyanyi merenungkan perjalanannya yang berkelanjutan, berusaha untuk mempertahankan esensinya di dunia yang terus berubah. Lagu ini mengungkap ketegangan antara harapan masyarakat dan aspirasi pribadi, menyoroti kesulitan hidup sesuai mimpi ketika segala sesuatu yang diinginkan orang lain bertentangan dengan keyakinan seseorang.

Anything But Me Lyrics

Lindsay Lohan

Nobody told me that I'd be happy faces
Just trying to erase the traces
What came before me
A girl that I used to see somewhere buried deep
She's falling asleep and I trying to wake her set her free

Now is a never ending thing
One moment turns into another
Before I've had time to to run from all the other ones
And its so hard to live a dream
When the everything that they want you to be
Is anything but me

So much confusion circling inside my head
What this one and that one said
Its all an illusion
Cuz I'm still the same person no matter how fast I run
I'm trying to hold on to where it is I've come from

Now is a never ending thing
One moment turns into another
Before I've had time to to run from all the other ones
And its so hard to live a dream
When the everything that they want you to be
Is anything but me

Anything but me

I'm trying to hold on to where it is I come from

Now is a never ending thing
One moment turns into another
Before I've had time to to run from all the other ones
And its so hard to live a dream
When the everything that they want you to be
Is anything but me

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