Lirik lagu: Invisible oleh Linkin Park :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Temukan lirik lagu "invisible" dari Linkin Park, sebuah lagu yang mengeksplorasi tema kesalahpahaman, kesedihan, dan keinginan untuk terhubung. Lagu ini dibuka dengan bait pertama yang penuh dengan rasa sakit kepala dan kebingungan, saat penyanyi merenungi percakapan yang salah dan keinginan untuk membatalkannya. Liriknya berlanjut dengan pra-paduan suara yang tulus, di mana penyanyi mengakui bahwa mereka tidak marah, tetapi kesulitan untuk mengekspresikan diri, menyebabkan perasaan tidak terlihat bagi orang yang mereka cintai.

Invisible Lyrics

Linkin Park

[Verse 1]
I've got an aching head
Echoes and buzzing noises
I know the words we said
But wish I could've turned our voices down
This is not black and white
Only organize confusion
I'm just trying to get it right
And in spite of all I should've done

I was not mad at you
I was not trying to tear you down
The words that I could've used
I was too scared to say out loud
If I cannot break your fall
I'll pick you up right off the ground
If you felt invisible, I won't let you feel that now


[Verse 2]
You didn't get your way
And it's an empty feeling
You've got a lot to say
And you just want to know you're being hurt
But this is not black and white
There are no clear solutions
I'm just trying to get it right
And in spite of all I should've done

I was not mad at you
I was not trying to tear you down
The words that I could've used
I was too scared to say out loud
If I cannot break your fall
I'll pick you up right off the ground
If you felt invisible, I won't let you feel that now


This is not black and white
There are no clear solutions
I'm just trying to get it right
And in spite of all I should've done

I was not mad at you
I was not trying to tear you down
The words that I could've used
I was too scared to say out loud
If I cannot break your fall
I'll pick you up right off the ground
If you felt invisible, I won't let you feel that now


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