Lirik lagu: Poor Me oleh Shania Twain :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Selamat datang di halaman lirik lagu "Poor Me" yang dibawakan dengan apik oleh Shania Twain. Lagu yang mendalam dan penuh emosi ini menceritakan kisah patah hati yang dialami seorang wanita yang dikhianati oleh kekasihnya.

Setiap bait lirik yang tertuang dalam halaman ini akan memberikan gambaran jelas tentang pergolakan batin yang dialami sang protagonis. Dari perasaan terluka yang mendalam hingga keinginan untuk bangkit, lagu ini menawarkan resonansi yang menyentuh bagi siapa saja yang pernah mengalami pahitnya cinta.

Mari kita jelajahi kata-kata yang kuat dan melodi yang menghantui lagu "Poor Me" bersama-sama. Semoga lirik ini memberikan penghiburan, penguatan, atau sekadar refleksi bagi perjalanan Anda sendiri.

Poor Me Lyrics

Shania Twain

Found it in his closet
Right behind the lies
I wish I never saw it
The secret in his eyes

Poor, poor me

He never told me how long
I'd been living in the dark
No one turned the light on
I fell and broke my heart

Poor, poor me
Po-or me

Poor me this
Poor me that
Why do I keep looking back?
Poor me this
Poor me that
It's not white, it's not black

Grey's the colour
That I see
Still can't believe
He'd leave me
To love her

Poor, poor me

Tried to face it
But so far down inside
I just can't shake it
My stupid pride

Poor, poor me
Po-or me

Poor me this
Poor me that
Why do I keep looking back?
Poor me this
Poor me that
It's not white, it's not black

Grey's the colour
That I see
Still can't believe
He'd leave me
To love her

Poor, poor me

I know it should get better
Oh, but it never does
I wish he'd never met her
Then everything would be the way it was

Poor me this
Poor me that

Poor me this
Poor me that

Poor me this
Poor me that
Why do I keep looking back?
Poor me this
Poor me that
It's not white, it's not black

Grey's the colour
That I see
Still can't believe
He'd leave me
To love her

Poor, poor me
Pour, pour me

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