Lirik lagu: Watching as I Fall oleh Mike Shinoda :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Selamat datang di halaman lirik lagu "Watching as I Fall" yang dibawakan oleh penyanyi berbakat Mike Shinoda. Lagu ini menyentuh tema-tema mendalam seperti rasa sakit, kehilangan, dan pencarian makna dalam hidup.

Melalui liriknya yang kuat, Mike Shinoda mengungkapkan pergulatan emosionalnya saat ia menghadapi kenyataan yang sulit. Lagu ini mengundang kita untuk merenungkan perjalanan hidup kita sendiri dan hubungan kita dengan orang lain.

Saat Anda menjelajahi halaman ini, kami harap Anda akan menemukan inspirasi dan penghiburan dalam kata-kata Mike Shinoda. Musiknya memiliki kekuatan untuk menghubungkan kita, menginspirasi perubahan, dan memberikan kenyamanan di saat-saat sulit.

Watching as I Fall Lyrics

Mike Shinoda

Excuse me while I kiss the sky
Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of lies
Thinking I'm okay, but they're saying otherwise
Tell me how I look but can't look me in the eyes
Watching as I say this and then I do that
Telling them the old words but in a new rap
Then I change my mind up and make them lose track
Shit I'm inconsistent I thought they knew that

Maybe I should be more grateful
That I had to watch it all come undone
Holding so tight to the edge is painful
But can't ignore it I know

They're watching as I fall, they're staring as I go
I gave until my soul hurt, and never told them so
They're watching as I fall, to somewhere down below
But maybe I'm just falling, to get somewhere they won't

Excuse me while I sympathize
Singing with the fat lady tell me what's the time
You know what it is not afraid to cross the line
Nothing is forever don't be mad at the design
Ask me if I can / I say I don't know
And honestly I buy that I can sound cold
Still upset from shit that's 15 years old
I don't know what it takes to make me let go

Maybe I should be more grateful
That I had to watch it all come undone
Holding so tight to the edge is painful
But I can't ignore it I know

They're watching as I fall, they're staring as I go
I gave until my soul hurt, and never told them so
They're watching as I fall, to somewhere down below
But maybe I'm just falling, to get somewhere they won't

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