Lirik lagu: The Line oleh Foo Fighters :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Selamat datang di halaman lirik lagu "The Line" yang dibawakan dengan apik oleh Foo Fighters. Lagu yang emosional dan menggugah ini mengisahkan perjuangan, harapan, dan pencarian akan makna dalam hidup.

Lirik yang kuat dan memikat ini mengeksplorasi tema-tema introspeksi diri, keterasingan, dan tekad untuk bertahan hidup di tengah kesulitan. Setiap baris diresapi dengan kejujuran dan kerapuhan yang akan bergema dalam hati setiap pendengar.

Saat Anda membenamkan diri dalam lirik yang menggugah ini, semoga Anda menemukan resonansi dan inspirasi. Semoga kata-kata ini menjadi pengingat bahwa bahkan di saat-saat tergelap, harapan dan kekuatan kita dapat membimbing jalan kita.

The Line Lyrics

Foo Fighters

Yes or no?
What is truth
But a dirty black cloud coming out of the blue?
I was wrong
I was right
I'm a blood moon born in the dead of night

Break my bones
I don't care
All I ever wanted was a body to share
Heart's gone cold
Brush ran dry
Satellite searching for a sign of life

Like you
Are you there?

The tears in your eyes
Someday will dry
We fight for our lives
'Cause everything's on the line
This time

Listen close
I can't hide
I'm a page torn from a broken spine
Sun gets low
I get high
Satellite searching for a sign of life

Like you
Are you there?

The tears in your eyes
Someday will dry
We fight for our lives
'Cause everything's on the line
This time

Are you there?
Are you there?

The tears in your eyes
Someday will dry
We fight for our lives
'Cause everything's on the line
This time

The tears in your eyes
Someday will dry
We fight for our lives
'Cause everything's on the line

Yes or no?
What is truth
But a dirty black cloud coming out of the blue
I was wrong
I was right
I'm a blood moon born in the dead of night

VIDEO lagu : The Line oleh Foo Fighters :

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