Lirik lagu: Feel Good oleh Neon Trees :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

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Selamat datang di halaman lirik lagu "Feel Good" yang dibawakan oleh grup musik Neon Trees. Lagu ini merupakan sebuah ungkapan perasaan yang tulus dan jujur tentang perjuangan hidup, kerinduan akan kebahagiaan, dan pencarian makna sejati.

Lirik lagu ini mengeksplorasi tema-tema kesepian, kecemasan, dan keinginan untuk terhubung dengan orang lain. Dengan bahasa yang sederhana namun menggugah, Neon Trees mengajak pendengar untuk merangkul kesederhanaan, menemukan kegembiraan dalam momen-momen kecil, dan melepaskan kerumitan hidup.

Melalui bait dan chorus yang kuat, "Feel Good" menjadi lagu yang relatable bagi mereka yang pernah atau sedang berjuang dengan perasaan negatif. Lagu ini menawarkan secercah harapan dan penghiburan, menunjukkan bahwa kita tidak sendirian dalam pengalaman kita dan bahwa mungkin untuk menemukan kebahagiaan, bahkan di tengah kesulitan.

Kami harap halaman lirik lagu ini dapat menginspirasi dan menghibur Anda. Biarkan kata-kata Neon Trees meresap ke dalam jiwa Anda dan menemani perjalanan Anda dalam mencari "Feel Good".

Feel Good Lyrics

Neon Trees

I was born naked just like every other kid
I grew up scared to death
I'd never quite fit in
Then I met you, it was golden
I was drinking way too much
But what else is there to do when everything around you sucks
Come on, come on

Hands up, touch the sky
Everybody on your knees and testify
I was searching for the truth
I think they misunderstood
Yeah the truth is, honey, I just wanna feel good

Oh, I'm tired of waking up alone
I just wanna feel good, feel, feel good
Stay, you and me, we can dance the night away
I wanna make you feel good, feel, feel good

Yeah, you were naked in the dream I had last night
Then things got wet and weird
And I woke up all paralyzed
I was shaken
I was nervous
Yeah, I'm way too old for this
You can go your way and I'll go mine
But it's us you're gonna miss
Come on, come on

Hands up, touch the sky
Everybody on your knees and testify
I was searching for the truth
I think they misunderstood
Yeah the truth is, honey, I just wanna feel good

Oh, I'm tired of waking up alone
I just wanna feel good, feel, feel good
Stay, you and me, we can dance the night away
I wanna make you feel good, feel, feel good

Yeah, it'll make sense
A little depressed?
Why do we make things so complicated?
Yeah, are you anxious?
A little depressed?
Let's feel good again, feel good again

Oh, I'm tired of waking up alone
I just wanna feel good, feel, feel good
Stay, you and me, we can dance the night away
I wanna make you feel good, feel, feel good

Hands up, touch the sky
Everybody on your knees and testify
I was searching for the truth
I think they misunderstood
Yeah the truth is, honey, I just wanna feel good

VIDEO lagu : Feel Good oleh Neon Trees :

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