Lirik lagu: Honestly oleh Kelly Clarkson :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

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Selamat menikmati halaman lirik lagu ini!

Honestly Lyrics

Kelly Clarkson

Could you love somebody like that
Could you attract someone like that
Could you go where people can see someone like me
Could you do that

Would you face me
Make me listen to the truth even if it breaks me
You can judge me, love me
If you're hating me, do it honestly

All I see are stepford-like lives
Needles and knives, beautiful lies
Bringing out the green in your eyes
Perfect disguise for envy and pride

Face me
Make me listen to the truth even if it breaks me
You can judge me, love me
If you're hating me, do it honestly

You can tell me
You can tell me
You can tell me
You can tell me
You can tell me

Face me
Make me listen to the truth even if it breaks me
You can judge me, love me
If you're hating me

Would you face me
Make me listen to the truth even if it breaks me
Judge me, love me
If you're hating me, do it honestly

You can tell me
You can tell me
You can tell me
You can tell me
You can tell me

If you're hating me, do it honestly

You can tell me
You can tell me
You can tell me
You can tell me
You can

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