Lirik lagu: Secret Ambition oleh Michael W. Smith :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Dengan senang hati kami mempersembahkan halaman lirik lagu dari lagu yang memikat "Secret Ambition" oleh Michael W. Smith. Lirik yang kuat dan menyentuh ini mengajak kita menjelajahi sebuah kisah yang misterius dan penuh dampak, yang mengungkapkan rahasia ambisi di balik kebesaran.

Lirik Michael W. Smith menangkap esensi dari sebuah perjalanan luar biasa, di mana pemberontakan melawan norma-norma kuno dan tindakan belas kasih yang berani membentuk nasib seseorang. Saat kita mendalami kata-kata ini, kita akan menemukan tema-tema pengorbanan, keberanian, dan rahasia yang mengubah hidup.

Kami harap Anda menikmati perjalanan lirik yang mencerahkan ini. Semoga setiap baris membangkitkan makna baru dan membawa Anda pengalaman yang mendalam dengan karya seni yang kuat ini.

Secret Ambition Lyrics

Michael W. Smith

Young man up on the hillside
Teaching new ways
Each word winning them over
Each heart a kindled flame
Old men watch from the outside
Guarding their prey
Threatened by the voice of the paragon
Leading their lambs away
Leading them far away

Nobody knew His secret ambition
Nobody knew His claim to fame
He broke the old rules steeped in tradition
He tore the holy veil away
Questioning those in powerful position
Running to those who called His name
But nobody knew His secret ambition
Was to give His life away

His rage shaking the temple
His word to the wise
His hand healing on the seventh day
His love wearing no disguise
Some say, "Death to the radical
He's way out of line."
Some say, "Praise be the miracle
God sends a blessed sign.
A blessed sign for troubled times."

Nobody knew His secret ambition
Nobody knew His claim to fame
He broke the old rules steeped in tradition
He tore the holy veil away
Questioning those in powerful position
Running to those who called His name
But nobody knew His secret ambition
Was to give His life away

VIDEO lagu : Secret Ambition oleh Michael W. Smith :

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