Lirik lagu: All Over the World oleh Pet Shop Boys :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

"All Over the World", sebuah lagu karya Pet Shop Boys, mengeksplorasi tema kebersamaan dan universalitas musik. Liriknya yang menggugah mengungkapkan rasa kerinduan akan koneksi dan pengakuan atas kekuatan musik dalam menyatukan orang-orang dari seluruh dunia. Nyanyian berulang "Oh-way-oh" dan "Ey-ey-ey-ey" menciptakan nuansa yang memikat dan ritmis, mengundang pendengar untuk larut dalam pesan lagu yang penuh harapan dan menginspirasi.

All Over the World Lyrics

Pet Shop Boys

(oh-way-oh, oh-way-oh
Oh-way-oh, oh-way-oh
Oh-way-oh, oh-way-oh
Oh-way-oh, oh-way-oh

Ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey)

It's something
That look in your eyes tonight
Like magic
It's changing everything in sight

I hear it all around me every day
In the music that you play

This is the sound
Of all boys and girls
You hear it
Playing all over the world

Ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey

The night sky
Like velvet masks our eyes tonight
And falling
Reveals the sunrise
Ending night

We feel it
All around us
Every day
In the music that we play

This is the sound
Of all boys and girls
You hear it
Playing all over the world

(all over the world)


It's sincere at its objective
Superficial and true
Easy and predictable
Exciting and new
Just say 'I want you'

This is the sound
Of all boys and girls
You hear it
Playing all over the world

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