Lirik lagu: 2 White Roses oleh Jeff Bridges :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Lagu "2 White Roses" yang diciptakan oleh Jeff Bridges memberikan refleksi mendalam tentang kehidupan di Bumi dari sudut pandang astronot yang jauh di luar angkasa. Mengamati planet asalnya dari jarak jutaan mil, penyanyi itu mengungkapkan rasa kagum pada keindahan dan kerapuhannya. Dari perspektif ini, konflik dan kepedulian duniawi tampak sangat kecil dan tidak penting, digantikan oleh rasa takjub akan luasnya kosmos.

2 White Roses Lyrics

Jeff Bridges

I'm looking at the earth
From a million miles away
I see a tiny speck of dust
Twinkling little spot of floating light
Barely visible in infinite space
Hanging suspended in the vast eternal light

I don't see tears
I don't see cars
I don't hear the music play
Just an endless kind of silence
From a million miles away
And all our heartbreaking scenes
And all our soul searching dreams
Are less than small
I left her two white roses in the hall

I'm looking at the earth
From a million miles away
It is impossible to tell
If it's night or it's day
It's just the tiny little jewel
The diamond of space
A twinkling piece of glitter
It sort of marks the place I used to know

I don't see war
I don't see peace
I don't see people on the move
It's just an endless kind of stillness
From a million miles away
And all our heartbreaking scenes
And all our soul searching dreams
Are less than small
I left her two white roses in the hall

I'm looking at the earth
From a million miles away
I wonder Is the singer still singing?
Do the children there still play?
I wonder will she start to miss me
When she sees that I have gone?
If tears will fall

I left her two white roses in the hall
I left her two white roses in the hall

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